Concept & Idea:
When some people looke at their lovely plants dying without knowing why they cry. It is torture because there is nothing they can do. people get the feeling they failed their plants if they give up without trying. If an attempt is made to save them, regardless if it actually works, it will help them to feel less guilty and pain. I want to create an experience in which  they can “rescue” their plants, like using AED to rescue patients. Although it may not actually save the plant, it can give the plantowner some peace of mind  and comfort.

Make people who really love plants less guilty and feel less pain when they are losing their plants.

People who really love plants. For instance, people who can ask question like how to save my plants? on Quora.

Strategy, Product & Campaign
1. Building the theoretical background for my AED:
forge a science article : Electrical shocks bring dying plants back to life. I am going to use the layout of the Nature magazine website.
2. Ask a question on famous Q&A website Quora: Can I save my dying plants by shocking them, like using a defrillabrator.
3.Answer the question using a fake identity for example:Leo Van Den Oetelaar.  I will mention the science article and forge an experiment about using AED to support the article so that people will believe it.
4.See how people react. I will read their comments and talk to them.
Further(if possible)
5.If no comments are made I will contribute my article to a science magazine and arrange an interview.
6. Create an actual plant AED to a really product, build a website for it, forge a user experience video and start marketing it.
7. Make a documentary film or exhibition of my process.

Visual Sketches

Nature website
quora site
Plant AED

Plant AED
